Miguel's Bookstore

  • Project: Full-Stack Web Application
  • Tools & Frameworks: ASP .Net Core 6, C#, SQL Server,Entity Framework Core, ASP .Net Core Identity, Stripe Payment Processor, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
  • Live Preview: www.miguel-bookstore.com
  • Source Code : GitHub Repo Link

About this Project

This is a fully-functional, fully-hosted MVC web app developed in ASP .Net Core 6, C#, SQL Server,Entity Framework Core, ASP .Net Core Identity, Stripe Payment Processor, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery. It features fully-implemented CRUD operations and login and authentication system. The focus of this project was to create a simple, yet back-end feature-rich E-commerce application.

The back-end features allow for full-control of content-management. When logged in as an ADMIN user, one can create/update/delete products, create new categories, covers, and also, new user accounts with specific roles: Admin, regular user, company staff, and publisher. Admins can also review and process purchases submitted by customers, or put them on hold or cancel them altogether. Other than that, the features that an average e-commerce app has for granted such as: a catalog, detail pages, a shopping cart, and payment processor, have been implemeted as well.